The following is from Larry and Miriam Deverett.
Dear Westmount Community,
We use our words carefully, but we must say that on Purim we were “blown away” by the level of generousity and support that the Westmount members gave to LINK Yad Chesed.
We can’t begin to tell you what an honour and mitzvah it is for us to be part of such a caring and giving community, and to be entrusted with giving out your generous donations to poor families.
On Purim morning we distributed several thousand dollars to very needy families who were so appreciative of the support. Little did they know who the actual donors are – all of you who contributed so kindly. We were blessed to be able to do the mitzvah of Matanot L’evyonim on your behalf, but the bracha and benevolence is all yours. Thank you to all who donated to LINK Yad Chesed this Purim. And whatever support you can give us for
Pesach will be very much appreciated.