A new 8am minyan is growing at Westmount and we want you there!
The davening pace at this 8am Shacharis is less hurried. It is not the typical early weekday minyan in Toronto. There is more deliberation and time given specifically for completing the Shma and Amida prayers.
Start your day with an uplift. Everything about this minyan is noteworthy, the leining and chazan are very skilled, there’s strong participation in the davening and no talking until davening is done. It is worth coming to see. We think your kavanah will benefit from be a part of this minyan.
Try it out. Come and enjoy davening with us tomorrow morning at 8AM.
The davening and singing is especially excellent on days like a Rosh Chodesh, or other days that includes Hallel, or on weekday Torah reading day. The menches in the minyan are warm and fun. We make Rosh Chodesh great with help from our Reb Moshe Rephael (Dr. Levin), who organizes a delux breakfast with delux Torah talk and delux scotch l’chaim – after davening on Rosh Chodesh and Yahrzeit occasions.
And, still be out on time.
There is care taken, by the chazan leading this minyan (ask Mordechai Michalowicz), that the davening should end by 8:55 on regular days and 9:10 on Torah leining days.
Or, explore some morning learning.
There are also several Torah classes and chavrusas happening both before and right after davening, so you may also come to add a bit of learning in the morning.
- 7:20 am Gemarah class – Sanhedrin
- 9:30 am Parsha insights class (Tuesday, Wednesday)
- Even arrange a chavrusa learning partner – simply speak with Josh Kaller, Mordechai Michalowicz, or Dr. Levin after davening.