These recordings will help you recognize melodies during Rosh Hashanah this year. So you can participate in the harmonies and singing. You can download a zip file with all the MP3s or stream individual ones on this page.
Zip file with all recordings:
rosh-hashanah-practice practice-for-rosh-hashannah
The Rosh Hashannah Service
The pages referenced in this section are in the Rosh Hashanah machzor used at Westmount shul (Artscroll).
(Pg. 262) Hamelech | המלך
(Pg. 314) Ymloch, Aatah hoo Elokaynu | ימלוך
(Pg. 328) Hashem melech | השם מלך
(Pg. 330) lkayl-orech-din | לקל עורך דין
(Pg. 472) zochraynu-lichayim | זכרנו לחיים
(Pg. 448) Michalkayl chaim | מכלכל חיים
(Pg. 476) Ymloch | ימלוך
(Pg. 476-kayl-emoonah| קל אמונה
(Pg. 478) Melech-elyon| מלך עליון
(Pg. 480) Unesaneh-tokef | ונתנה תוקף
(Pg. 482) Brosh hashanah | בראש השנה
(Pg. 482) Oos S-Shoovah | ותשובה
(Pg. 482) Vatah hoo | ואתה הוא
(Pg. 484) Ayn kitzvah | אין קצוה
(Pg. 484) Adam yesodo | אדם יסודו
(Pg. 490) Vechol maaminim | וכל מאמינים
The Yom Kippur Service
The pages referenced in this section are in the Yom Kippur machzor used at Westmount shul (Artscroll).
The recordings are of the part of mispallelim (niggun and the responsive parts) the chazan sings words and even different notes, that harmonizes with these parts. We think this will enhance your observances and prayers on Rosh Hashanah 5776.
The recordings are of Rabbi Mordechai Michalowicz and Elchanan Plonka , who will lead the Rosh Hashanah service at our shul this year.