This series is for men who would like to efficiently lead the prayer services.
Each class has the entire liturgy chanted for each service and the relevant laws that the Shaliach Tzibbur must know in order to effectively and correctly lead the services
Instructor: Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz
Level: Intermediate
MP3 Download | |
Lesson 4 Weekday Shacharis Part 2 | |
Lesson 4 Weekday Shacharis Part 1 | |
Lesson 3 Weekday Pesukei Dezimra | |
Lesson 2 Weekday Mincha Service | |
Lesson 1 Weekday Maariv Service | |
Additional Prayer Tips
Tachanun: The neuances of the tachanun/nefilla part of mincha and shacharit. A tip about leading mincha and shacharit – by Orthodox Rabbi Michalowicz, Westmount Shul and Learning Centre in Thornhill.