This concert has three famous Jewsihs bands: Shlomo Kats, Zusha Band and the Travelling Chassidim. General admission is $25 and registration at Music and Ted-style talks with FIVE international speakers: Dr. David Lieberman Rabbi Yoel Gold Rabbi Benzion Klatzo Rabbi Yisrael Lashak Rabbi Y.Y. Rubenstein
Tuesday 8pm class for Ladies and Men
Blend of Mussar and Chassidus Torah thinking. Do you want to try a deeper level of understanding our Torah instructions? This class is a very effective tool to gain understanding in Torah and human nature. The classes are guided by amazing and difficult questions. And, the answers are delivered by a dynamic talmid chacham in […]
Oct 10: Art of Marriage in a new cour...
Enhance your relationship, increase your happiness and strengthen your bond – Launch of a new course that will provide spiritual and practical ways to achieve this. This course will benefit everyone from newlyweds to couples happily married for fifty years, to those contemplating tying the knot in the future. Starts Wednesday, October 10th @ 7:00 pm […]
Sep 16: Kreplach cooking women’...
With Mrs. Leah Hochman, nonagenarian, Holocaust survivor and women of Valor. Join us for Torah, Tehillim and kreplach. Listen to Mrs. Hochman as she demonstrates how to make kreplach and the Torah wisdom behind them. This is a night for body, mind and soul. 49 MIRANDA COURT. , Thornhill Sunday, 16 September @ 7 pm Please […]