Join a fascinating new class topic, in the Rambam series. Hilchos Klei Hamikdash and other topics describing the service in the Beis Hamikdash in detail. Sit in on a class are nightly after Maariv, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Class notes and recordings MP3 are here for review or sampling.
An evening for ladies, learn about Tehillim, their importance throughout our ages and a deeper understanding of: TEHILLIM PSALM 130. Hear about our other Tehillim group and how o be part of it too. SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 @ 8 p.m. AT THE HOME OF GRACE DAVID 452 Highcliffe Drive, Thornhill ***Sample some delicious teas*** […]
Nov 26 – Fashion learn and shop...
Hear Galit Friedmann, fashion designer, and owner of Kaleidoscope Modest Wear talk about her journey in fashion and the role clothes play in defining yourself. Later enjoy “extended hours” shopping in store with a special discount, with its beautiful array of tops, sweaters skirts dresses and accessories for women and girls. Light refreshments will be served […]
Nov 26 – Save the Datenight
Save The Date Night – Kick-Off Dinner for the better dates series: this will be a gourmet, intimate dining experience where you and your partner will be able to enjoy a great opportunity. There’s an online sign up for just the lectures, or just the dinners, or to attend both. LINK TO SIGNUP THIS FIRST […]