Schedules, guidelines and audio classes related to the High Holidays have been compiled into two collections. In the Online Learning you can find the audio classes. (Just follow this link) In the Upcoming Events you find the schedules and guidelines. (Just follow this link)
Golf Day
Last Thursday, in sweltering, record‐breaking heat when lesser people would be staying in air‐conditioned safety, a group of intrepid golfers came out to beautiful Silver Lakes Golf and Country Club for the sole purpose of supporting Torah. Not only did they have to give up work for a day, they weren’t able to wear business […]
Israel Mission Highlights
On Sunday July 3rd, a group of 25 women from Toronto, led by Rebbetzin Gail Michalowicz, departed for Eretz Yisroel on the 2011 Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project. The Westmount group was joined by approximately 160 other women from various cities across North America. The program afforded all the women an amazing opportunity to discover and […]
Under the Stars 2
Last week, the women of Westmount had their second annual talent show. Organizer and main source of energy behind the show, Liora Openheimer, submitted the following report: It was greatly appreciated that so many Westmounters came out this year to see the talents of local Thornhill ladies. A special thank you must go out to […]
Rabbi Yagen at Westmount
Last weekend we had one of our most successful Shabbatons ever. Rabbi Yaakov Yagen enthralled us with powerful stories and messages, especially about Shavuos. On Friday night, we had over 140 come for a Shabbos meal, including a group from the NCSY Earn ‘n Learn program. This was the most we have ever fit into […]