Practical life advice from the weekly parsha porion. For girls only, a teenage group and talk with Torah, Snacks and Chills! Every Shabbos at 11:30 AM 10 Disera Drive, unit 250 Thornhill.
New class: Nesivos Sholom
Thursday night kollel class before maariv – 8:15 PM to 9:00 PM Going through Rabbi Sholom Noach Berezovsky’s Sefer the Nesivos Sholom in a small group, with examples and explanations in English from the Rabbi. Rabbi Berezovsky (A Slonim Rebbe) was a prolific writer. Through his writings he was among the most influential of contemporary […]
New class: End of days, Rav Elchonon ...
Exciting new series for long Saturday nights… Study the writings and vision of Rav Elchanan Wasserman (Ikveta d’Mashicha) as he accurately demonstrates how the prophetic warnings of the Torah, the prophets, and the sages of the Talmud have now come true in minute detail. He said, “at this moment we are experiencing the birth-pangs of Moshiach, […]
Wed Oct. 30: Build your Biblical I.Q....
This ongoing series will help you increase your Biblical IQ ( and help you remember what you learn) as we integrate the weekly message of the Parsha into the Jewish calendar, based on fundamental mystical concepts. You will know the basic content of the Parsha and what you need to do in terms of your […]