Here’s some Passover help, Thornhill! Print these Guides, forms, checklists. Listen to these classes to prepare your home and your soul for a great Passover and Seder: Printouts including chometz selling form, checklist and step-by-steps Prepare for this spirituality with classes on CD or MP3 Our Food drive is cancelled due to the outbreak Erev Pesach is […]
Thr. Mar. 21 – Purim Seudah
The Shul’s Purim day party and talent competition. Join us for tasty food and conversations, live music and happiness on Purim! Early bird discounted $20 admission deadline for members only is Mar. 4th. Reserve seats online now: Reserve spots: MINCHA: 6:15 PM SEUDA: 6:30 PM Date: Thursday , March 21 Time: Mincha at […]
March 7 – Challa and Hammantash...
This month’s Challah Bake Club is also a Purim Hamentashen theme. All the flour and materials are provided, you bring the elbow grease and light heartedness. Daughters and grandaughters will enjoy the mess and DandM filled night with Rebbetzin Gail Michalowicz. RRSP to the Challa and purim Thursday March 7th, 8PM 10 Disera Drive, Unit 250. […]
Feb 21 – Purim Baskets Deadline
Our members send each other purim baskets, made by shul volunteers and using premium food items and packaging. The basket contains delicacies, wine and art plates from Israeli farms and artisans. It’s a basket full of delicious anti-BDS for Purim. Our volunteers put the delicious foods together into the nicest purim baskets in Thornhill. We […]
SUN. JAN. 13 – Malida Ladies Ce...
Join in an Indian Jewish celebration in honor of Elijah the Prophet and on the occasion of the Rebbetzin’s birthday. This is a lovely Bene Yisrael event. The Malida refers to a particular type of food – a home-made, sweet, dessert delicacy that consists of pieces of ricebread made with sweet poha that are smeared […]