Enhance your relationship, increase your happiness and strengthen your bond – Launch of a new course that will provide spiritual and practical ways to achieve this. This course will benefit everyone from newlyweds to couples happily married for fifty years, to those contemplating tying the knot in the future. Third class, Jan 19th @ 8:00 pm […]
Dec 12 – 10th of Teves
Whoever mourns over the destruction of Jerusalem merits seeing her rebuilt. Fast end times, halacha and Torah classes are one way to be part of the community mourning Jerusalem’s loss. Join us for selichos at shacharis and Mincha today too. Class 041 – 14 Dec 2010Parshas Vayachi: Tenth of Teves – The Source of Distruction […]
New Menorah at our Shul
A six foot menorah is being lit at the Westmount Shul and Learning Centre in Thornhill this year. Donated by Sheryl and Jerald Hartman, the unusual menorah beautifies and raises the holiday for congregants of our Orthodox Jewish Synagogue in Thornhill. Following the shooting in Pittsburgh, our community took on a challenge to “go out […]