Every week, join in our Thursday study groups with free wings, the Rabbi’s Cholent and… Beer. Choose your topic and we’ll find you a learning partner, or tutor. You can simply drop-in and let us find you a group to join.
Every week, join in our Thursday study groups with free wings, the Rabbi’s Cholent and… Beer. Choose your topic and we’ll find you a learning partner, or tutor. You can simply drop-in and let us find you a group to join.
Take your ability to learn Torah to a whole new level. A proven ‘Master Torah’ program for learning online or in person at Westmount Shul and Jewish Learning Centre in Thornhill. Find out more about the goals and methods of the TLC program – here Download today’s recording and PDF – here on this new class page.
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MAY 27-28, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Kakon of the only international, multi cultural yeshiva for Jewish young men with hearing loss in the world (one of Toronto’s hidden gems). RSVP for the shabbos talks and the Ladie’s seudah FRI. /SAT. MAY 27-28 to office@westmountshul.com
10 Disera Drive, second floor, suite 250
(T:) 905-881-SHUL (7485)
(F:) 905-881-7490
Friday Mincha: 4:22 PM
Shabbos Shacharis: 8:45 AM
Shabbos Mincha: 4:00 PM
Shacharis Sundays and holidays: 8:00 AM
Mincha /Maariv Sundays: 15 minutes before sunset
Monday – Friday
Shacharis 1 Mon-Fri: 6:15 AM
Shacharis 2 Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM
Mincha Mon-Thr: 2:00 PM
Maariv Mon-Thr: 9:15 PM
Morning Classes 7:20 AM
Evening Classes 8 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:15 PM