The cost of food is astronomical and many families in Toronto will not be able to afford adequate food without your help!
Food Needed By Jewish Families
“Supporting the community is fundamental to our core values “
Please drop any of the following items off BEFORE
Thursday, September 14th :
123 McMorran Crescent.
452 Spring Gate Blvd
145 Langtry Place
(a box will be outside the doors).
For more info contact Shareen
• Canned Fruit / vegetables
• Gefilte Fish/Tuna/Salmon
• Grape Juice , Jams/honey
• Tea / Coffee/sugar Soup mixes
• Papergoods
Also needed: ****
Fresh fruit & veg, chalav Yisroel milk, chicken
***The perishable items can be dropped off in the evening at
123 McMorran Crescent to be refrigerated
Help us to help others. Join in some of the local chessed at the shul and get information about how we are supporting torah study in Israel and in the G.T.A.
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