The Traditional Sfardi Nusach Service Bene Israel Congregation, Orthodox). Here are the details about this service on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur…
This year, Rosh Hashanah is on September 30th and October 1st. Yom Kippur is on Sunday, October 9th / October 1.
High Holiday Schedule – 5780. Print the High Holiday Schedule in (PDF), or read belwo for the service times on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
Guidelines for this year’s Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Print a new helper guide for customs and halacha.
Listen to past class recordings (MP3) on your device or CD. These are some recent classes about Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur:
The Westmount Shul Nusach Sefard High Holiday Option 3 Schedule – 5780 (2019):
The Full Services Schedule this year:
Rosh Hashana Evening – Sunday Sept. 29:
6:30 pm Mincha followed by Arbith
6:45 pm Candle Lighting
Rosh Hashana 1st Day – Monday Sept. 30:
8:30 am Shacharis (morning Service)
11:45 am Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz will address the Kahal
6:35 pm Mincha followed by Arbith
7:44 pm Light Candles aafter this time
Rosh Hashana 2nd Day – Tuesday Oct. 01:
8:30 am Shacharis (morning Service)
6:35 pm Mincha followed by Arbith
7:42 pm Chag ends
Erev yom Kippur – Tuesday evening Oct. 01:
6:28 pm Candle Lighting
6:28 pm Lecha Eli/Kol Nidre
Yom Kippur – Tuesday Oct. 08:
1:05 pm Halachik Midday – Preferred earliest time for men to go to the Mikve
3:00 pm Mincha
5:35 pm Earliest Candle Lighting
6:00 pm Supervised Baby Sitting (ends at 10:00 PM)
6:28 pm KOL NIDREI SERVICE – Fast Begins – Latest Candle Lighting
Yom Kippur – Wednesday Sept. 19:
7:00 am Shacharith
2:45 pm Mincha
5:15 pm Neila
7:28 pm Shofar Blast followed by Arbith
Tickets for the Full Sephardi service are $60 per person and $120 per family. Use of the children’s care and programming is $50 per guest child (under 10 yrs. old)Please contact the office at 905-881-7485 or e-mail Mr. Benjamin Jehuda at to order your tickets or for more membership ($600) information.