Are you a young Jewish professional in Thornhill and interested in meeting people in the Thornhill area? Interested in community events, mentorship and curious about how to stay connected to the Jewish community and Torah life? Contact Erez or Jane Farkas and find out what you can learn and join at the Westmount Shul and […]
Contact us
10 Disera Drive, second floor, suite 250
(T:) 905-881-SHUL (7485)
(F:) 905-881-7490
Minyan Times This Week
Friday Mincha: 4:22 PM
Shabbos Shacharis: 8:45 AM
Shabbos Mincha: 4:00 PM
Shacharis Sundays and holidays: 8:00 AM
Mincha /Maariv Sundays: 15 minutes before sunset
Monday – Friday
Shacharis 1 Mon-Fri: 6:15 AM
Shacharis 2 Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM
Mincha Mon-Thr: 2:00 PM
Maariv Mon-Thr: 9:15 PM
Morning Classes 7:20 AM
Evening Classes 8 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:15 PM