The kids’ program returns to allow moms and dads to learn and daven longer and to join the rest of the congregation in the sit-down kiddush. Updates starting this Shabbos. Rabbis shiur @ 8:00 AMChildren’s program is from 10:30 -NoonRebbetzin’s class is in the lounge from 10:30 -11:15Congregational Kiddush / dvar torah in shul for […]
Posts tagged kids
Jan 3: Kids’ classes at noon pr...
Although the schools locked down, Torah study never ends for anyone – including the children. All children ages 6 to 8 years (and parents of all ages) are welcome to Zoom into hearing the Parsha as told by Rabbi or Rebbetzin Michalowicz. Signup Genius link Contact the Rabbi for information As requested by our parents, […]