Here’s some Passover help, Thornhill! Print these how-to Guides, forms and checklists. Listen to these Pesach classes while you prepare your home and your soul for a great Passover and Seder: Printouts including chometz selling form, checklist and step-by-steps Prepare for this spirituality with classes on CD or MP3 Firstborn siyum breakfast ($20) Our Food drive information Erev […]
Posts tagged pesach
Wed Mar 18: Seder light classes start
Learn Hebrew by reading the Hagadah. This series will be provide an overview of parts of the Pesach Hagaddah with explanations and interesting insights that can be shared at your Seder table. March 18, 28 & APRIL 1 GIVEN BY RABBI MICHALOWICZ 10 DISERA DRIVIE, UNIT 250, THORNHILL Want a head start? Listen to the classes […]