Last week was the first of our many special Shabboses this year. We welcomed Shlomo Horwitz who performed/presented 5 separate times to different groups on different topics. Highlights were Oneg Shabbos to over 100 people, Shabbos lunch to over 40 young boys at the brave Pillemers and a Melave Malka (including Shlomo’s guitar virtuosity) to […]
Contact us
10 Disera Drive, second floor, suite 250
(T:) 905-881-SHUL (7485)
(F:) 905-881-7490
Minyan Times This Week
Friday Mincha: 4:22 PM
Shabbos Shacharis: 8:45 AM
Shabbos Mincha: 4:00 PM
Shacharis Sundays and holidays: 8:00 AM
Mincha /Maariv Sundays: 15 minutes before sunset
Monday – Friday
Shacharis 1 Mon-Fri: 6:15 AM
Shacharis 2 Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM
Mincha Mon-Thr: 2:00 PM
Maariv Mon-Thr: 9:15 PM
Morning Classes 7:20 AM
Evening Classes 8 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:15 PM