The mens’ group-study time is expanding from Thursday night to every weeknight. Drop in tonight and see what topics are being covered.
Study groups don’t require prior Jewish learning experience and are only 30 minutes long. You like lively discussion? Debate?
The learning is in English with a mixing-in of Hebrew occasionally. The exchange of ideas is often exciting. Try a taste of Torah. The the taste the Rabbi’s Tchulents, Shelly’s wings and a good scotch bottle on thursday nights.
Find something that’s new to you…
Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz leads – Parsha and Rambam classes
Rabbi Mordechai Michalowicz – Gemara studygroup, or Mishna Brura halachas
Rabbi Joshua Kaller – Hashkafa topics and Chovos Levalvos discussion
Other group’ are learning more topics with leaders like Mike Merker and Michael Korolnek. You could also do your own self study here, in an inspiring atmosphere of torah.
Where? The second floor of 10 Disera Drive (North of Promenade mall)
Have more questions? Call or write the Rabbi (905) 889-4296,
Choose your topic and we’ll find you a learning partner, or tutor. You can simply drop-in an let us find you to a group to join.
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