We are starting a new initiative in our shul. One that is meant to grow our appreciation for the tremendous gift of healing and health. We’re encouraging everyone, young and old, to begin saying a 10 second beracha of appreciation before you take a pill, a vaccine, or a vitamin, before you visit a doctor, go to a massage, before you exercise, or do anything related to maintaining your good health.
To help with this effort we have sponsored reminder stickers and cards:
- Stick a reminder sticker on your pillboxe(s), so that you can discreetly see the beracha whenever you take your daily pills.
- or, put a reminder sticker/card in your wallet, so you can pull out when you take out your health card. Stick it onto your health card (removable sticker) so you remember to say the bracha at every appointment
- Or, hang a reminder sign next to your your medicine cabinet, or in your pill drawer, or in your exercise room.

Pickup the stickers and reminder cards at shul, or request a drop off at your home (contact the office).
This is the most ideal month to start saying this beracha for Refuah initiative as part of your daily routine.
We just passed the amazing Passover seders and the salvations of the month of Nissan, and are beginning of the month of Iyar, the month of healing. The name Iyar – אייר is a three letter acronym for יי
I am Hashem Your Healer – Ani Hashem Rofecha. Instead of believing what our external eyes apparently see, this can help you connect to the true reality that ONY Hashem can heal us, and send healing through many different vehicles of healing.
Try it. You might find that you can turn your need for healing and health into a very positive aspect of your life. A real reason to connect to Hashem when you need him to give you relief and a feeling of gratitude to Hashem when you realize how valuable your health is and how gracious is the source of your vitality!
The stickers / cards will soon be available in the Shul for pick up or can be delivered.
The reminder stickers are sponsored by the Shul and by the Scutaru family, in the merit of a healing for all us,
for all Am Israel, including those in our community that need relief:
• Chayah Yehudis Gittel Bas Miriam Devorah
• Simcha Sarah bas Clara
• Keren bas Sarah Leah
• Nachum ben Freida
• Yitzchak ben Sarah