Westmount Shul joined the Jewish world as it was celebrating the 13th Siyum Hashas (completion of the entire Talmud) on Wednesday January 1 at 1:00 PM at the Met Life Stadium in New Jersey. The shul’s Talmud class starts Berachos starts along with the daf yomi cycle. Our class is slower and participants follow the […]
Jan 06: Berachos Class starting
We’re starting along with the daf yomi cycle, but going at a slower page with emphasis on understanding and mastering the subject. Join in the class on weekdays at 7:20 AM at Disera Dr. Participants follow the Gemarah page on a big screen TV. Learn the Aramaic along with commentaries in English from Artscroll. Review […]
Links to the newest classes this week
Search through more of the recent classes this week Search through older classes from the archived digital library Tried our App? Need help? You might make the new Westmount Shul app your favorite way to listen to class recordings and get event updates. Listen and read, learn ahead of Jewish holiday (halacha guides). To get […]