Shavuos learn all night orthodox synagogue open in Thornhil
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Mar 13th: Haggadah class starting
B”H we have started a new daily series on the Haggadah. It should be helpful in preparing us all for the Seder night. If you want to access the class , click onto: Even though it is in the Megilas Esther series of episodes, the Hagadah classes start from episode 16 and on. You can […]
Feb 13: New class on Megillas Esther ...
A daily series dedicated to exploring the Megilas Esther through the lens of the Raama (Rav Mordechai Isserless) using the Mechir YaaYin commentary. Join us as we delve into the timeless story of Queen Esther, her bravery, and her unwavering commitment to her people. Our journey will be guided by the wisdom of the […]
New: Podcast format Rabbi’s cla...
Want to get notifications of new classes and listen to them on your favorite podcast player? Rabbi Michalowicz’s parshas class is available as podcasts on Transistor FM. More podcast series: B’yam Darkecha on the Beauty of shabbos Erev Shabbos Drush Add or follow to get more classes in this series. LISTEN ON Apple Podcasts LISTEN […]
March 22: HESPED for R’ Chaim K...
To help appreciate the greatness of the leader that passed away and the magnitude of the gratitude and mourning we owe him – listen to the summary of Hespedim and funeral events (not in Yiddish or Hebrew) with clarifications and explanations by Rabbi Michalowicz. Follow this link to the recording: Press play to stream […]