Praying is an essential service The Shul has been re-opened for services since Shavuos. Some members are praying from home and some members are praying inside the shul. The in-shul services are shortened to minimize risk. At this time, only members may attend if they pre-register and if they commit to keeping our strictly enforced […]
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Master your words: new shul sefer pro...
Of your words.
And your life.
And see how
happy and fulfilled
you can become.
Shavuos! Watch: Siyums, drushes
The community learned together apart Shavuos night. Some families took on chapters of navi, some Perek Shira, others…
New class: Nesivos Shalom, Friday mor...
Watch the class live on Zoom, or view past recordings below. Nesivos Sholom – Paths of Peace – Chassidic Perspective on how to acquire Love of God for men & women on all levels, with Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz (30 mins, ID: 9058817485, request a password) Friday morning at 7:30, Zoom meeting ID: 9058817485 You are invited to […]