Shlomo Horowitz Shabbaton
Last week was the first of our many special Shabboses this year. We welcomed Shlomo Horwitz who performed/presented 5 separate times to different groups on different topics. Highlights were Oneg Shabbos to over 100 people, Shabbos lunch to over 40 young boys at the brave Pillemers and a Melave Malka (including Shlomo’s guitar virtuosity) to […]
New classes
Breakneck Through the Bible – The stories in the Torah are often familiar but how are they relevant to our lives? Rabbi Reuven Glauser of the Thornhill Kollel focuses on what can be learned from them, starting this week with the Parsha of Toldos. The Book of Shmuel – This book covers a critical part […]
This Week at Westmount
This week marks the 1stedition of This Week @ Westmount. Although there are some obvious cosmetic changes in terms of layout and look, the most important change lies in the underlying objective which is to create and reinforce a sense of community. As the weeks unfold, there will be an increased emphasis on the people […]