This Friday and Saturday have been designated as the Worldwide Shabbat project.
The Shul will have a grand kiddush fleishig luncheon (Saturday Oct.28, 11:30) in celebration of those who started to keep this Mitzvah of Shabbos. Several will share stories of their starting to doing so.
What was it like?

Hear our story and Shabbat experiences…
Over Shabbos, we will hear the following people share their stories about their journey with Shabbos: Carla Becker, Steve Ekstein, Josey Frieberg, Snir Ghosalkar, Shelley Glowinsky, Esther Greenbaum, Gary Hyde, Martin Hoffmitz, and Salo Shneiderman.
We thank the following sponsors, who have reserved seating:
Platinum Sponsor: Lisa White
Silver Sponsors: Arthur Lampert, The Glowinsky Family, The Ghosalkar Family, and Sheila Miller
Sponsors: The Beker Family, The Borr Family, The Friedman Family, The T. Lasarow Family, The Latinsky, Family, The Naor Family, The Plotkin Family, The Simkover Family, Ian Raskin, and Anonymous donors.
We will have members speak at different venues in Shul on Shabbos morning describing the challenges they faced in keeping Shabbos andthe satisfaction they presently have from keeping this beautiful Mitzvah.