Kick off a tractate Tamid with a class on Alexander the great – shabbat class
The Rabbi will give a sample of Torah True Gemarah learning on Shabbos late afternoon before Shavuos with a class called “The Adventures of Alexander the Great.” Please contact the rabbi at yossi@rogers.com if you are interested to make sure that we provide you with a Gemara to follow along.
Experience the sense of accomplishment of learning an entire Mesechta (Tractate) of Talmud and make a Siyum on its conclusion. If you are willing to invest only 8 hours over the long Shavuos weekend on May 19 – 21, you will be rewarded by celebrating the Siyum on Tractate Tamid at the Neilas Hachag.
More classes and MP3 Downloads – Get started here.