Learn like a yeshiva student and level up your Gemarah, or other Torah learning skills. Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim Seed Program returns this summer with bachurim from The Yeshiva Gedolah Shaarei Shemuel in Lakewood. Morning and evening learning times are possible from Aug. 13 -24. Please let the Rabbi know you are interested.
Listen to the Lecha Dodi and Shalosh Seudos tune by last year’s groups
withBobov-Niggun, or just the niggun by itself for Shalosh Seudos, Niggun- Bobov-Shalosh-Seudos
Learn Torah every day in small groups or one-on-one. The Yeshiva Boys will be available mornings and evenings every day of the week. If you, or your son are interested in learning with one of the Bachurim, please contact the Rabbi at yossi@rogers.com

Dovid, Aryeh, Ari, Yoni, Yechiel, Yaakov