How to choose the right High Holiday service in Thornhill: look at three (3) services options options at the Westmount shul this year:
There’s a Traditional Ashkenazi Nusach (Orthodox), The Traditional Sfardi/Indian Nusach (Orthodox) and the educational High Holiday Experience (abbreviated services with help and explanations and, the whole family can sit together).
More details about the three service options are below…

Spend your High Holidays with the Westmount Shul. A warm Orthodox congregations in Thornhill, Ontario.
Guides and halacah for this year.
Calculate guest high holiday ticket prices
Please note: the seating left for non-members is very limited. Please RSVP Seats at 1-905-881-7485
The Synagogue office hours are 9am-12pm. Choose the most meaningful service for your family from the three below:
Option 1. | Option 2. | Option 3. |
Ashkenazi Nusach full length service | The briefer and Family Together Experience | Sefardi Nusach full length service |
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Adults & Young AdultsThis service takes place in the Main Sanctuary and includes all prayers and joyous singing. The Rabbi will deliver vibrant and meaningful talks, and page numbers will be announced regularly throughout the service. We have truly inspiring services at this location as we feel the holy atmosphere which we have come to appreciate on a daily basis throughout the year. A “boxed kiddush” is included, just before Shofar blowing. | For both Adults & Young ChildrenThis convenient, shortened and lively experience will enable you to feel and experience the deeper meaning of the holiday sitting together as a family. This program takes place in the brand new Family Minyan Sanctuary adjacent to the main sanctuary at 10 Disera Drive (NOT THE PLAYHOUSE). There will be a combination of explanation and discussion. Prayers will be conducted in both English and Hebrew. | For Adults & Young AdultsThis service has all the ancient Sfardi rituals tracing its roots to the original Jews who moved to India thousands of years ago. This minyan takes place in the Moses/ Feuerstein Sfardi Sanctuary adjacent to the family minyan room. |
Single guest adult ticket - $200 Guest children - $50 Membership - $2000 | Single guest adult ticket - $100 Guest children - $50 | Single guest adult ticket - $60 Family guest ticket - $120 Guest children - $50 Membership - $600 |
Reserve and pay via the office.![]() 1-905-881-7485 This service will be conducted under the direction of our Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz. Check the schedule below for details. Youth Programs under the direction of Rebbetzin Jane Farkas. | Reserve and pay via the office.![]() 1-905-881-7485 This service will be conducted under the direction of our Rabbi Erez Farkas and Rebbetzin Gail Michalowicz. You will have help with prayers and two engaging and heart-felt talks afterwards. Check the schedule below for details. Youth Programs under the direction of Rebbetzin Jane Farkas. | Reserve and pay via Benjamin Yehuda.![]() 1-905-881-7485 This service will be under the direction of our Rabbi Mordechai Sevy and with Indian Benei Israel siddurim. Check the schedule below for details. Youth Programs under the direction of Rebbetzin Jane Farkas. |
Option 1: Ashkenazi Full Services Schedule:Erev Rosh Hashana - Sunday Sept. 29: 6:44 pm Mincha/ Maariv/ Candle Lighting Rosh Hashana Day 1- Monday Sept. 30:8:00 am Shacharis (morning Service) 10:00 am Torah Reading 10:00 am Children's Program begins (ends 1PM) 10:25 am Kiddush 10:30 am Rabbi's Drush 11:00 am Shofar 1:45 pm Approx. end of services It is customary to go to Tashlich in the afternoon Monday evening Sept. 30 : 7:15 pm Mincha followed by a class with Rabbi Michalowicz 8:05 pm Maariv 8:27 pm Earliest Candle Lighting from a pre-existing flame & Yom Tov preparations 2nd Day - Tuesday Oct. 01: 8:00 am Shacharis (morning Service) 10:00 am Torah Reading 10:00 am Children's Program begins (ends 1 PM) 10:25 am Kiddush 10:30 am Rabbi's Drush 11:00 am Shofar 1:45 pm Approx. end of services Tuesday evening Oct. 01: 6:30 pm Mincha followed by a class with Rabbi Michalowicz 7:49 pm Maariv Erev Yom Kippur Kol Nidrei - Tuesday Oct. 08:1:05 pm Halachik Midday - Preferred earliest time for men to go to the Mikve 3:00 pm Mincha 5:35 pm Earliest Candle Lighting 6:00 pm Supervised Baby Sitting (ends at 10:00 PM) 6:28 pm KOL NIDREI SERVICE - Fast Begins - Latest Candle Lighting PLEASE LIGHT AT HOME BEFORE YOU COME TO SHUL Yom Kippur - Wednesday Sept. 19: 8:00 am Shacharis Service 10:00 am Children's Program begins (ends 1PM) 10:30 am Torah Reading 11:00 am YIZKOR SERVICE 3:00 pm Approx. end of services Special Afternoon Class with Rabbi Michalowicz Afternoon / Evening - Wednesday Sept. 19: 4:00 pm Mincha 5:30 pm Supervised Baby Sitting (ends at 8:30 PM) 5:30 pm Neilah 7:35 pm Shofar Blast followed by Maariv Breaking the fast sponsored by the Goldberg family in memory of Arlene’s father Sidney Marmelstein a”h & by the Millstein family in memory of Larry Millstein a”h | Option 2. The Family Experience Schedule:Rosh Hashana Day 1- Monday Sept. 30:10:00 am Family Experience 10:00 am Children's Programs until 1:00 PM 11:15 am Shofar Service 12:00 pm Class with Rebbetzin Michalowicz Rosh Hashana Day 2 - Tuesday Oct. 1: 10:00 am Family Experience 10:00 am Children's Programs until 1:00 PM 11:15 am Shofar Service 12:00 pm Class with Rebbetzin Michalowicz Erev Yom Kippur - Tuesday Oct. 8:6:30 pm Kol Nidrei 6:30 pm Children's Programs until 10:00 pm 8:00 pm Class with Rebbetzin Michalowicz Wednesday Oct. 9: 10:00 am Family Experience 10:00 am Children's Programs until 1:00 PM 11:15 am Yizkor Service 12:00 pm Class with Rebbetzin Michalowicz Evening: 6:45 pm Neilah 6:15 pm Supervised Baby Sitting (ends at 8:30 PM) 8:10 pm Shofar Blast | Option 3: Sefardi Full Services Schedule:Rosh Hashana Evening - Sunday Sept. 29: 6:30 pm Mincha followed by Arbith 6:45 pm Candle Lighting Rosh Hashana Day 1- Monday Sept. 30:8:30 am Shacharis (morning Service) 11:45 am Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz will address the Kahal 6:35 pm Mincha followed by Arbith 7:44 pm Light Candles aafter this time Rosh Hashana 2nd Day - Tuesday Oct. 01: 8:30 am Shacharis (morning Service) 6:35 pm Mincha followed by Arbith 7:42 pm Chag ends Erev yom Kippur - Tuesday evening Oct. 08:6:28 pm Candle Lighting 6:28 pm Lecha Eli/Kol Nidre Yom Kippur - Tuesday Oct. 08: 1:05 pm Halachik Midday - Preferred earliest time for men to go to the Mikve 3:00 pm Mincha 5:35 pm Earliest Candle Lighting 6:00 pm Supervised Baby Sitting (ends at 10:00 PM) 6:28 pm KOL NIDREI SERVICE - Fast Begins - Latest Candle Lighting PLEASE LIGHT AT HOME BEFORE YOU COME TO SHUL Yom Kippur - Wednesday Sept. 19: 7:00 am Shacharith 2:45 pm Mincha 5:15 pm Neila 7:28 pm Shofar Blast followed by Arbith |
Calculate guest high holiday ticket prices and payment.
We’re working very hard to prepare the best talks, singing, snacks and community meeting events this high holiday.
Why not make this the year to join Westmount?
We ask you to consider joining the community with an annual membership this year instead of guest tickets. The membership includes the high holiday seats and support the Jewish community services and torah learning that is done by the Westmount Shul and Learning Centre year round.
What’s new this year?
In an effort to make your High Holiday experience more meaningful, we offer a variety of talks and lecture options, including an alternative class given by Rebbetzin Gail Michalowicz. Please feel to drop in on her class as you feel the need to take a break from the traditional services.
The children’s activities and programs:
We will have a variety of programs to ensure that children ages 2 – 9 are supervised and educated in a caring and enjoyable atmosphere. This service will be available for participants in all services / programs and are under the direction of Rebbetzin Jane Farkas.
This year, Rosh Hashanah is on September 30th and October 1st. Yom Kippur starts on Wednesday night, October 8th / October 9.
High Holiday Schedule – 5780. Print the High Holiday Schedule in (PDF), or read belwo for the service times on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
Guidelines for this year’s Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Print a new helper guide for customs and halacha.