Our Story: Shabbat Keeping Experienc...
This Friday and Saturday have been designated as the Worldwide Shabbat project. The Shul will have a grand kiddush fleishig luncheon (Saturday Oct.28, 11:30) in celebration of those who started to keep this Mitzvah of Shabbos. Several will share stories of their starting to doing so. What was it like? Over Shabbos, we will hear […]
Find a more deliberate Shacharis
A new 8am minyan is growing at Westmount and we want you there! The davening pace at this 8am Shacharis is less hurried. It is not the typical early weekday minyan in Toronto. There is more deliberation and time given specifically for completing the Shma and Amida prayers. Start your day with an uplift. Everything […]
Succos and Simchas Torah events
How to Celebrate Sukkos – 5778 The observances and schedules for the upcoming Jewish holiday (Sukkos, or Sukkot, Succos, Sukkos) are in audio classes below and in this printable PDF: Print How to Celebrate Sukkos – 5778 Print the Sukkos Schedule 2017 Print the Simchas Torah Celebration and dinner Even More Events There are many […]
Sending help to Houston
We are all concerned about the plight of the Jews in Houston in the wake of the hurricane and flooding. Anyone wanting to contribute towards the Disaster Relief Fund, can send a check or charge their credit card to the Westmount Shul, and get a Canadian tax receipt. The Shul will then forward all the […]