New class starting in Pirkei Avos
Join the community for an exciting, deep, and relevant series of Shabbas Afternoon Classes in April. Title: Pirkei Avos with Rabbeinu Yonah When: Shabbas afternoons – 45 minutes before Mincha Starts: April 22nd, 6:30 pm For: Men & Women of all levels Given by: Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz More Details: Explore the ethical teachings of “Ethics […]
My Adult Bat Mitzvah Classes
The group meets on Monday nights to participate and listen to different lecturers at 8:00. Led by Rebbetzin Gail Michalowicz & Tzirel Irons COST: $180 SHUL MEMBERS – $200 NON-MEMBERS A taste of the topics: Review a sample class and be part of the class culminating in a big Bat Mitzvah clebration next […]
New advanced series begins
An opportunity to start something huge. The Friday morning class on Tanya had a siyum and is starting another study of the Alter Rebbe’s scholarship: Sha’ar Hayichud V’Emuna. The Alter Rebbe discussion on the concept of Ein Sof and the idea of Sefiros which are lights of the Ein Sof that exist in relation to us. Join […]
Passover Printouts and Classes 2017
Erev Pesach,Monday April 10, 2017 Here’s some Passover help, Thornhill! Print these Guides, forms, checklists. Listen to these classes to prepare your home and your soul for a great Passover and Seder: Printouts including chometz selling form, checklist and step-by-steps Prepare for this spirituality with classes on CD or MP3 Firstborn siyum breakfast ($20) is April […]